Submit your trick.

Visual Magic Store is expanding, we’d love to grow within the magic community and support new and current creators.

Our first step towards this is inviting artists to collaborate with us.

One way for us to expand is to publish more magic, other than just what Luke creates. Whilst Luke’s creations are amazing, we’d love to bring in fresh, on-brand ideas to the company.


How it works:

  • It all begins with an idea. Whilst your idea may be fully fleshed, or just a concept, we’d love to hear it.

    We’d love to hear any ideas, provided they are visual. It’s crucial to us that they’re on brand.

  • We’d love to see your creation. Be sure to contact us by filling out the form on this page. Bear in mind, that submissions with a link to a short video are more likely to be chosen.

    Luke personally views the shortlisted ideas, to make sure they feel like an extension of his vision of Visual.

    Please mention whether you envision your idea being a physical product, like Sweet Disposition, or a membership item.

  • Once you are contacted, Luke will most likely want to jump on a call with you to discuss the next steps.

    For physical products and some membership items, we can produce the videos and/or gimmicks in-house.

    To give you an idea of payment, the buyout price for a self-produced membership item is $200.

    There are many variable factors that may impact your payment. However, we will always speak to you about what you can expect before any production is put into place.


Benefits of working with Visual:

  • Join the brand - You’ll be attaching yourself to one of the fastest-growing brands in magic.

  • Be seen by millions* - Luke is tightly knitted with some of the most followed magicians on TikTok and YouTube, who use his effects regularly. By being seen on the Visual Magic Store products page or membership, magic-influencers may use your effect in their next video. *your effect is not guaranteed to get these views.

  • Re-purpose your past ideas - The agreement in place for membership items (downloadable products) is non-exclusive, which means it could be something you released (also as non-ex) that you felt was underrated and should be seen by more people. With all this in mind, we do favor fresh ideas.

  • Get paid - Unfortunately, releasing magic isn’t the same as it was, and download sales certainly aren’t the same. We will offer a buyout, whether it’s a download or a physical product, this way you won’t be sharing a risk with us on sales.